

I’ve been working on solidifying what BEEZZZART looks like.  I shouldn’t say that as if it is a new effort, it has been going on since I blinked into existence.  I should say, I feel I am nearing the end of the cocoon phase.  I am perhaps even out of the cocoon, but the wings definitely are not dry yet. 🙂

I am excited about a few of the drawings I’ve done in the past 4 days though, as I’ve switched back to coloring with traditional mediums instead of digitally.  I don’t feel completely comfortable with digital painting yet, so it is nice to go back to familiar territory.  The rocket and eyectopus drawing above is done in ink and watercolor crayon.  The portrait of Alpine below is in ink and colored pencil.  I AM FEELING EXCITED ABOUT EVERYTHING.  Good things keep happening.  What next?


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